The world faces a great number of challenges, from the immediate Covid-19 pandemic and the more long-term – but no less urgent – climate crisis and ecological breakdown, to growing inequality, insecurity, and social polarisation. The ideas of yesterday no longer provide the solutions for the problems we face today. As a result, we are living through a twice-in-a-century change in economic thinking and policy making, also known as a paradigm shift: we are moving away from neoliberal market ideas and a focus on narrow economic growth, towards an economy centred on enhancing human wellbeing in a sustainable, equitable and resilient way – also known as the Wellbeing Economy. The Think Tank of young economists, of the Future Markets Consultation led by former Dutch Prime Minister prof. Jan-Peter Balkenende and prof. Govert Buijs, has investigated how we can move towards the Wellbeing Economy. The young economists, Sam de Muijnck, Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini and Jim R. Surie, furthermore explored what the paradigm shift means for the public sector, financial sector and environmental policy.

On April 12th, Sam de Muijnck, Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini and Jim R. Surie will present the report and receive a short reaction from Jan Peter Balkenende at an online event organized at Pakhuis de Zwijger. After this, there will be a panel discussion with distinguished young economists from different European countries. The event closes with the award ceremony of the essay contest for students and young scholars of the Future Markets Consultation.

This project and event is a collaboration between Our New Economy (ONE), Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL) & Moral Markets and is funded by the Goldschmeding Foundation and Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc.


19.00: Opening by moderator David van Overbeek
19.05: Presentation report Towards the Wellbeing Economy by Sam de Muijnck, Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini & Jim R. Surie
19.25: Reaction by Jan-Peter Balkenende
19.35: Panel with Philippa Sigl-Glöckner & …
20.00: Award ceremony essay contest by Jan-Peter Balkenende
20.10: End

The moderator of this event is
David van Overbeek
Moderator | Econoom, filosoof en maker De NIeuwe Wereld TV
Programme seriesFuture of Capitalism

Over the past century, the capitalist model of the free market economy has demonstrated to be an effective vehicle to create wealth. However, in today’s globalised world, the downsides of this model have become more and more obvious: ecological decay, increasing inequality worldwide, financialisation, inadequate resource allocations and a new geopolitical power balance. The credit crisis of 2008, and more recently, the coronacrisis, have further exposed these issues. How can the freedom and innovative potential of free markets be squared with the requirements of ecological sustainability and social justice and inclusivity?