Arts and conversations with rioters and legends: The Netherlands and the world is familiar with several feminist and queer movements. The first feminist wave was by the enslaved black women who revolted for their basic human rights and against the colonial state. Over the past four centuries, women (white and of colored) and queer people have taken to the streets en masse for various social and economic issues, from the right to self-determination to voting rights. For economic independence to sexual liberation. And when we talk about sexual liberation, in the West they talk about the 1970s. The so-called “fourth” feminist wave. But to what extent can we speak of true sexual liberation when the right to self-determination is under pressure? Is there sexual liberation when heteronormative norms and nuclear family are seen as the cradle of society? What does this mean for queer and trans persons in this society? And how does sexual liberation relate to women and queers of color? All of these questions and many more will be bared during the conversation with the legends.
Queer City x Pakhuis de Zwijger
Queer City is an initiative of Fite QLub in collaboration with Pakhuis de Zwijger. The program arose from the urgent demand to increase the visibility of BIPOC LGBTQI+ people in Amsterdam. It is for and by the BIPOC LGBTQI+ community, with the aim of increasing the visibility of this group, promoting ownership and empowering the community. We do this by giving a stage to the most marginalized groups in our society.
QueerCity will be a recurring event in Pakhuis de Zwijger. In this series, FiteQlub wants to offer the queer “rioters” and “legends” a stage and share queer art with a wider audience. By creating a “safer-space” we want to offer the possibility to facilitate these artists and rioters in sharing their art as a form of resistance; wonder, celebration, and self-actualization.
Background information BIPOC LGBTQI+ alliance
The BIPOC LGBTQI+ Alliance was created as a result of a new subsidy scheme (diversity and inclusion) of the municipality of Amsterdam. This new arrangement involves forming an alliance to promote empowerment of the bicultural LGBTQI+ community in Amsterdam. The scheme has a period of 2 years, from 2021 – 2023.
The BIPOC LGBTQI+ Alliance consists of 10 Queer and trans BIPOC collectives that have joined forces to tackle five social problems in Amsterdam. They do this jointly, but also independently of each other, by organizing activities throughout the year to promote empowerment and education, with the aim of building a queer movement and queer community.