For this edition of Queer City we want to create a space for pleasure, connection and healing that centers BIPOC Queer & Trans bodies and stories. We are ready to let go of all oppressive mechanisms and pre-existing ideas of how and what pleasure should be. This edition, we are giving the stage to BIPOC Queer & Trans artists, community builders and activists who use pleasure as a conscious practice to resist, create community and be visible in a society that stigmatizes Queer & Trans pleasure and desire. Expect stories of gender emancipation, conversations of joy and resistance, performances of intimacy and a space where vulnerability is power, resistance is an act of self-love, desire is healing and pleasure is safe.

In this program
Monika Althoff
member of Fite Qlub
Performing artist

About the performers

Jeremiah (he/she/they) is 24 years old and what they love about performing is being able to show people what the sexual energy of a masculine woman looks and feels like without touching ;). Jeremiah’s been walking the category Sex Siren(break now) for a few years for ‘The Resilient House of Makaveli.”In these few years I’ve been performing numerous times and I love doing it.”

About QueerCity

QueerCity is a multidisciplinary program filled with art, theater, performances, talks, intimate conversations, music and poetry.

We created this space to give a stage and a place to the trans & queer BIPOC community.

In a world of censorship and silence, Queer City wants to stand for a Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, Free Haiti and freedom for all territories affected by colonialism and imperialism.

Programme seriesWeek Tegen Racisme 2025

Pakhuis de Zwijger en Comité 21 maart organiseren van 17 t/m 22 maart 2025 de 7e editie van de jaarlijkse Week Tegen Racisme (WTR), een programma in aanloop naar de landelijke Demonstratie Tegen Racisme. De WTR biedt een interdisciplinair programma vol theater, film, muziek, spoken word, storytelling, lezingen, workshops en dialoog. Hierbij werken we samen met kunstenaars in allerlei disciplines, maatschappelijke organisaties en stadmakers. Tijdens het festival agenderen we een groot aantal onderwerpen binnen de hoofdthema’s racisme en discriminatie, zo behandelen we onder meer politiek, polarisering, sport, onderwijs, vluchtelingen-vraagstukken en klimaatracisme.